Papua: a Zone of Peace
The harmony i n Papua is occasionally threatened by the acts of the Free West Papua separatist group . Majority Papuan people disagree with such coward acts because they want Papua to be a zone of peace. When Papua becomes a peaceful region, all the people become harmonious, even though they are of different ethnicity, religion, level of education and occupation. In the past, the stigma of Papua as a dangerous area occurred because of conflict provocation by separatist and also wars between tribes. T he most dangerous threats were firearms attacks by the Free West Papua movement and other separatist groups. This is what makes people afraid to visit Papua . Even though at this time there were no longer tribal wars. "Hamonization in Papua in order to become a peaceful zone is very important to do. The reason is because there are not only native residents of Bumi Cendrawasih, but also immigrants from Java and other islands" Piet Nawipa, He...